The Veteran and Vintage Chevrolet Automobile Association of Australia - South Australian Branch was established in May 1975.
The club is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the Chevrolet motor vehicle and caters for all Chevrolets.
We conduct meetings in the Combined Car Clubs rooms at Clark Avenue Glandore at 8pm on the first Friday of each month (except January) and we proudly display our vehicles through the streets of Adelaide and surrounding areas on a monthly basis. Visitors are most welcome.
Note: The Photo Gallery page is mainly graphics, therefore may be slow loading up. We do apologise for the inconvenience but hope you enjoy the pictures anyway.
To apply for or to renew your membership please click on the membership form link below and forward the completed renewal form with your payment to the Membership secretary. If you have been issued a log book then you need to complete a Statutory Declaration form each year. This form is available by clicking on the Statutory Declaration link below, complete the form and send it to the historic registrar.
VVCAA application/renewal form
Historic Statutory Declaration
VVCAA constitution 2022v1.pdf
Contact Us
Post: PO Box 436, Plympton SA 5038
Our Website Host is:
Veteran & Vintage Chevrolet Automobile Association of Australia (SA Branch)
2020 – 2021 Committee
President Owen McArdle
Vice President Martin Flaherty
Secretary Niole (Lee) Mezzino
Treasurer Alec stevens
Membership Secretary Alec Stevens
Editor David Bourne
Historic Registrar Bob Daly
Events Co Ordinator Bob Verrall
Librarian Martin Flaherty
Clubroom Delegate Gary Beelitz
Property Officer Michael Flaherty
Club Photographer Bob Verrall
Federation Delegate Laurie Wickes